News and Notices

International Jewish leaders to convene in Argentina to discuss unresolved terror attacks

NEW YORK / BUENOS AIRES – More than 400 Jewish community leaders from around the world are expected to gather in Buenos Aires next week, as the World Jewish Congress (WJC) holds a special session of its Plenary Assembly, the organization’s highest decision-making body. Argentina’s President Mauricio Macri will deliver a keynote speech at the opening event of the assembly, and Paraguay’s President Horacio Cartés will be awarded the Latin American Jewish Congress’ Shalom Prize for his support for Israel.

WJC President Ronald S. Lauder said ahead of the Plenary Assembly meeting: “This will perhaps be the largest gathering of international Jewish leaders in Latin America in recent decades. We look forward to fruitful discussions and to a show of solidarity with the Jewish community of Argentina, the largest and most vibrant in Latin America.

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Most Amazing Judaica Art Ever

Parashat Vayakhel – Wisdom of the Crowd


  • Please find attached Parasha Vayakhel by Rabbi Elyashiv Knohl.
  • Rabbi Elyashiv Knohl is the rabbi of Kibbutz Kefar Etzion and the director of the Marriage Initiative in the Tzohar organization.
  • For more press here: vayakheleng
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Jewish community in Doboj requires voluntary contributions and donations to repair the roof of the synagogue. We invite all interested parties for their contributions and donations to help preserve the building of the synagogue in Doboj. The method of payment is available under the heading Donate.

Jewish Community and Cultural Center in Doboj

We are dedicated to the preservation of the Jewish religion, tradition and identity in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina and to the preservation and promotion of peace, cultural and economic cooperation among all nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina.Our vision is to promote good interpersonal and interfaith relations, tolerance and compromise between peoples and eradicate racial, religious, ethnic or any other form of discrimination.

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